
We love new technologies

We love new technologies, test them and, when proven, use them. Working with new technologies keeps us fresh and passionated. The knowledge this bring us we like to share with you and apply it to your needs. You can reach out to us when you want to boost your digital agency, development team, workflow or app.

Our benefits

Easy release management

Having a good workflow for buidling and releasing your app is vital. At Cood continious integration and continious deployment is default. It is actuallly the first thing we start with when taking on a project.

Test driven development

Vital parts of your app will always be campanioned with unit-tests. Because we want to make sure that vital parts does not break during further development of your app.


When projects grow they tend to become one big monolithic architecure. This makes it harder to release and scale. We therefor prefer to use micrososervices as much as possible.

Optimizations and speed

Every byte counts! We care about the speed of your app (as does google) and will therefor always be optimizing the output. Code splitting, Module bundling, using a CDN are some examples of optimizations.


Security (SQL-injection, XSS, Server-side validation, etc) are always on the top of our mind when we develop apps.


We have a lot of experience with search engines. Engines like Azure Search and Lucene are frequently used by us.

Want to know how we can boost your organisation?

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